Chapter 8.4 – The Long One

  1. As a minimum, create a 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home worth at least $50k (Complete)
  2. Achieve level 10 of the Author branch of the writer career.
  3. Adopt 3 babies at the following promotions:
    • Advice Columnist (level 4) Complete
    • Regular Contributor (level 5) Complete
    • Short Story Writer (level 6) Complete
  4. All three adopted sims, as well as the heir, must each complete one of the following Child Aspirations (Each kid shall complete a different aspiration so that all four are completed between the four children)
    • Artistic Prodigy
    • Rambunctious Scamp (Complete)
    • Social Butterfly (Complete)
    • Whiz Kid
  5. Produce and raise the heir to the young adult life stage

Welcome back to the Swifts! It’s been a while, but we begin with Naomi working on her aspiration! Which is Whiz Kid obviously lol

I didn’t realize that you could drink and bathe at the same time. Interesting development lol

Nora and Iris are expecting!

Oh look! It’s the puddle duck!

Kassidy had to take a break from writing so that she could read to Naomi for Naomi’s aspiration.

Naomi does her homework in our newly finished “formal” dinning area.

We’re a 4 star celebrity! I’m not sure if I’ve ever gotten to level 4 before? I can’t remember. I’ve had way too many families to remember.

And we have the FAME SHINE! I’ll keep it on for now and then turn it off if I get annoyed with it lol

Brynn invited a friend over from school. And then she proceeded to spend more time with Darren than Brynn lol

I forgot that the Whiz Kid aspiration requires the lab. Where kids can start fires. So we bought a fire alarm for when that happens lol

Meanwhile, Kiara is still chugging away at her aspiration as well. She’s close. She just needs level 10 creativity skill

Baby sparkles! They only mean one thing! Birthday! No more babies!

And here she is after her makeover! And if you remember, she was originally named Laurel. But since I already have a Laurel Swift in my family tree, she has been renamed to Lacie Swift!

Everyone say hi to Lacie!

Gemma and her wife are expecting again!

Kass got a promotion! she’s at level 9 now! So only one promotion left!

Poor Darren passed out. Sorry kiddo

Kiara completes her aspiration! Woohoo! That just leaves Naomi to finish hers!

…Why is there a paparazzo in our house? GET OUT!

We has a cute pet bunny now! How cute! We’ve name him…










Wait for it














Okay, why do sims keep breaking into my house? Is it because I’m a 5-star celebrity? This is annoying.

Iris and Nora had their babies!

It’s Maisie’s birthday! And she doesn’t look too happy about it either.

And here she is after her makeover! She’s so cute!

For some reason, Yesenia decided to watch TV sitting on the floor. Behind our couch. And we also have two chairs. But no, the floor is the best seat

This is Naomi maxing the mental skill and completing her aspiration!

Woohoo! Now we just need for Kassidy to max her career and we’re good to go!

It’s Brynn’s birthday!

And here she is after her makeover. She doesn’t look too happy about being a teen now.

Could also be that I made her blow out her candles at 4am. So…..

But hey, when the bar is bubbling, it’s time for cake

Ahhh. I see why she keeps coming into the house. Yesenia has befriended the enemy!

Gemma had her baby! Welcome to the fam, Fabian!

I caught Kassidy and Yesenia having a little fun in shower lol

Here’s a quick update on the house. Once Lacie ages up and I can get rid of all the toddler stuff, we’ll be able to finish decorating the whole 1st floor. But this at least completes 90% of it.

Our dust bunny brought us a money tree seed! Bring it on!

This irks me so bad lol

Woo! FIVE STARS! Now I KNOW I’ve never had a 5 star celebrity before, so this is fun lol

We even got our own celebrity tile! So we had to add it to the walk of fame! lol

Our first crazed fan! I love it lol

We have an artist on our hands! Imagination is the only skill left to max. And it’s at level 2. So we have lots of messes to make!

Not you! You’re not supposed to be making messes! Lacie’s the only one allowed to make messes!

Guys. Maisie is adorable and she’s my favorite. I totally wish that she was our heir. NOT that I don’t like Naomi, but Maisie is just Maisie lol

Kiara started a fire… Rude.

At least Kassidy and Darren were on top of everything

Poor Yesenia. I forgot your birthday. Oops.

Look at all the people gathered around our house!

Birthday time for Kassidy!

Old age looks good on you Kass!

And then Kiara also had a birthday!

And here she is! Pose is totally reflective of her “world famous celebrity” aspiration lol

And then it was Lacie’s turn! Three birthdays in one day!

And here she is after her makeover!

And will no more toddlers, we were able to finally finish the first floor!

Say what? What could you possibly be doing to be freezing to death?!


That seems like a good way to DIE

Kassidy got that final promotion! So we officially are done with all the house requirements! Now we just need to wait for Naomi to become a Young Adult.

This is going to be a looooooong wait since Naomi is still a CHILD

She is literally obsessed with vacuuming. SHE DOESN’T STOP! I have her in the middle of writing a book and she stops in the middle so that she can VACUUM. I even tried to take it away from her WHICH MADE HER START VACUUMING!

I love this game lol

Darren unlocked a Lifestyle!

I’m glad that they’re actually using the seating available in the living room.

Gemma’s expecting again!

Maisie is freezing to death AGAIN! And if you look closely, you can see her mess over there by the trash can. I swear, this girl’s art will be the death of her.

She takes dying for your art to a whole new level lol

OOOOOOOOPPPPPPPSSSS! I did it again. Sorry Darren!

I made sure to NOT forget Naomi’s birthday.

And here she is! Now we just have 13 days left before we can move on.


3 speed here we come!

Erick finally got married. Only took him until the end of the generation to do so.

FUN FACT! Etsuko is the paparazzi that keeps breaking into our house lol Erick married our stalker.

Also, Nora and her husband are expecting another baby!

Darren is just taking up room in our house. So to put him to good use, he got a job. He’s now part of the Scientist career lol

He looks so good in his lab coat!

Also, I’m currently re-watching Bones and I thought that this was appropriate.

Gemma had twins! Welcome to the family, Tracy and Kody!

Brynn is officially a people person! Easy to get this one when you have a full house lol

What a BEAUTIFUL snow pal! I’m so proud! Nice use of the kitchen spoon lol

Nora had her baby! Welcome to the family, Callie!

Two of the kids’ rooms are finished. That means we only have two more rooms to complete before the house is DONE done.

I hate building…

It’s Maisie’s birthday!

And here she is after her makeover! She’s almost literally the same. Just a teen instead of a child now lol

Impromptu child meeting? Without Kiara and Maisie? Hmmm. I wonder what’s going on?

And then it was Brynn’s birthday!

She becomes a young adult and gets a job with her brother in the scientist career

Darren got a promotion!

Also, I’m really bored while waiting for Naomi to age up. We still have a week left. So we’re still 3-speeding this til the end lol

The entire family is either at work or school and Yesenia decided that this was a good time to die.

I’ve never seen a spellcaster urn before! Probably because I don’t really play with them that much lol

It looks pretty cool though!

And then about 12 hours later, Kassidy also died. It’s been a while since I’ve had the current “heir” die before the new heir can take over.

And they were laid to rest in the backyard. RIP

AND WE’RE OFFICIALLY FINISHED WITH THE HOUSE! Thank god because I absolutely hated decorating these rooms lol

Also, thank god for bunk beds otherwise these rooms would have looked even worse lol

Here’s a quick overview of the finished house is ya’ll are interested lol

I’m actually pretty pleased with how it turned out. I’ve uploaded it to the gallery under the hashtags #mojot89 and #aswiftdrift if you wanna download it.

Final lot value is $250,143 (in game. In the gallery it says $308,650. No idea why they’re that different…)

IT’S A MANSION lol (almost. according to the game, a mansion is worth $350K)

Darren and Brynn both came home with promotions!

Bryn gained a lifestyle! I, too, also have the Single and Lovin’ It lifestyle lol

We got this from our dust bunny friend. And obviously we’re planting it lol

Birthday time for Kiara!

And just like her older siblings, she joins the scientist career.

We’re boring. I know.

And then it was Lacie’s turn for the cake as well!

And here she is after her makeover! Yay for no more children!


Also, right after appearing, she haunted her own tombstone lol

Gotta love random people who break in and use our brand new pool. Rude

At least the girls don’t mind the intruder.

Lacie started a fire… BUT at least it doesn’t lose me any points unlike in my ISBI.

But the fire still makes her an idiot so she would fit right in with The Wilde’s…

At least the family rallies to take care of it. GIRL POWER!

And FINALLY it was the birthday we’ve all been waiting for!

And we’re ready for House 9!!


Extra Bits:

This is Skylar John. Nora and Spencer’s oldest kiddo

And here’s his sister, Raina John.

And their younger sister, Ainsley John.

And the youngest of the brood, Callie John!

Also, Nora’s first husband, Spencer, died and she remarried. This is her new husband, Quentin Broke.

And speaking of spouses, here’s Erick’s wife, Etsuko. She’s actually an elder by the end of this chapter, so Erick will be childless in this generation.

This is Grant Sneed. Gemma and Alysha’s oldest kid.

And here’s his younger brother, Fabian Sneed.

And this is their younger sister, Tracy Sneed.

And her “TWIN” Kody Sneed.

This is Wendell Swift. Cameron and Suzanne’s middle kiddo.

And his younger brother, Cameron Swift Jr.

This is Chaim Tanaka. Sadie and Lester’s youngest

And finally, this is Dustin Swift. Gavin and Kirsten’s youngest kiddo.