Chapter 3.4 So Much Fishing

Welcome back, drifters! We begin this chapter with Eliza watering the Swift Jungle! Sometimes, it really does feel like jungle! So much green!

Kellen looks like he’s regretting having a kid. He looks super awkward and has no idea what he’s doing. Parenting extraordinaire right here!

Frog/bait catching! That’s so gross. I hate frogs. Eliza’s a stronger woman than I. Also, she didn’t catch many… maybe like 4 of 15.

It’s soooo cute!! Too bad it doesn’t count for our total needed for the aspiration…

This one counts though!

Side Note: This is the first Tilapia that she caught and then for a while after this (even in different fishing areas) that’s allllll she caught.

Hey, you. Don’t look so happy. I watched you break that sink. And now I know you’re going to walk away. Which means I have to pull Eliza from her fishing to come and fix it since it is our sink…

We have out heir, so now it’s time for our spare! (no pregnancy test for this one. We’ll find out “naturally”)

Good luck!

Maxed the fishing skill! (It’s about time. Took long enough)

So since we maxed fishing and gardening, we can now visit the grotto. But we also need the handiness skill to access it. So we’re doing lots of studying!

Uhhhh Dad? You know Eliza’s your daughter, right? She’s not good for guy’s night lol


Vampy: Rude


Looks like that try for baby was successful! Also, she stinks.

NOOOOOOOO!!! Bye mom! You were a saving grace of a mail carrier!

Look out cute little bumblebee!! Hailey’s so cute!

(Also I just realized that I have two toddlers named Hailey… there’s one in my apocalypse challenge too… whoops)

Cowplant berry status up to 3 berries! I should think about planting one.

Note from the future: We’re up to 5. lol

I’m sure this pic was for something important, but I neglected to write that down… soooooo… IT’S A FISH!

Potty training!

That’s not really the best place eat dinner…

Hailey is so cute! Look at her cheese for the camera!

Baby time!

(I’ve notice we fish a lot at the Glade…)

Eliza’s all cool and collected and just ready for it to be done.

Kellen is not. He literally ran around the hospital like this the WHOLE time. He didn’t try to do anything either. He just… ran…


Meet Aiden on the left and Lucas on the right!

Extra Bits:

Nicole Mansouri. Dempsey and Hakim’s daughter. She’s really pretty!

And this is her younger brother, Collin!


Chapter 3.3 – A Day (Or Two) In The Life

Hello everyone! Welcome back to the Swifts! We begin this chapter with a newly pregnant Eliza doing some gardening. Geez. She’s all work and no play! But I guess she has to be…

Since this guy is more than content to just sleep. Annoying spouse.

So we woke his ass up and we went on a fishing trip! But first we had to catch some frogs for bait!

Heehee, he does NOT look happy that we woke him up… TO BAD MISTER!

All hail the magical trashcan of money! May it shower us with all that money goodness!

We also bought a TV and a couch so that Kellen can have something to do besides just standing around and not helping with the gardening. Ugh.

But all that spending left us with a measly $8… Boo.

Say hello to little Collin Mansouri! This is Aunt Dempsey and Hakim’s son.

And this is Joshua Capris! He’s Olivia and Dylan’s son!

Awe! Cute autonomous flirting! And Kellen dressed appropriately for the occasion!

We’re at level 9 of fishing! We’re getting closer and closer!

It’s breakfast for dinner! …I actually really hate breakfast for dinner. I’m not a fan of breakfast in the first place…

NOOOOOOO!!!!!! Dad died!! *moment of silence*

She’s so big! I think it’s about time for the baby to come out! No? Okay… We’ll wait a little longer…

Ummm Yuki? Why does it look like you’re about to rob us? O_O

Oh NOW it’s baby incoming!

Kellen: Ohmygawd what did I do!?

Eliza: I’ve weirdly gotta use the bathroom.

Kellen: You’ve gotta pee?! But we’re having a baby!

Eliza: Yes, but first… potty break.

Haaaaa. This is the best face I’ve ever seen on a sim who’s wife’s about to give birth!

Kellen: Did we really have to come to the hospital? Everyone has their baby at the hospital… How boring.

Eliza looks like she’s bored.

Eliza: Are we done yet? I have a garden to tend to.

Welcome to the family! Meet our new heir, Hailey!