Chapter 4.7 – We Did Stuff

Welcome back! As you can see, Hailey is starting us off the right way. She obviously had a rough day at work lol


And if you remember, last time we had a baby and she aged up! Say hello to our heir, Adalind!

New stuff!! A fireplace (which I’ve not ever had in any of my houses in any game I’ve played since the game came out…), plants and toddler stuff, a dollhouse, and some moar wall decor. House value is now sitting at $49,356.  We should finish the building goal in this chapter

Hailey’s doing some potty training with Adalind. And Vasyl decided it was MUCH more important to punch the wall than to catch that cooking oil he was using…

Hailey: “Hmmmm… What an interesting way to cook!”

Oh cool! I think that’s totally neat that their new years resolutions show up in their sim panel! Great way to keep me her motivated.

Bye! Have fun! Make friends! Please, do NOT come back pregnant.

Treadmill! Hailey’s been putting on some weight, so we’re going to do some working out! Also, this made our house value $50,058! So goal: check!


I’m trying to get rid of all these annoying leaf piles left behind by fall. And it’s stupid. You have to burn them multiple times before you can trash them. It’s SUPER dumb

Bye again, Malik…

Also, this is the first time I’ve seen a passer-by get abducted. And guess what? It was Kellen. Dad still needs to spend time with his alien friends.

Jordyn died. For those of you who don’t remember, she was the 3rd born of gen two. She was Elias’s sister.

Why are you outside? And dirty? Where are your parents?


No is not an answer to any of those questions.


Oh boy.

Willow and Hailey do a lot of socializing at work so they’ve become best friends. It’s weird. My sims don’t usually leave their lots so we don’t get a lot friendships outside of the family lol. They’re so cute! ❤

And this was when I realized that I didn’t have windows for the house. So I fixed that.

I also deleted the greenhouse. And apparently deleting that small little area killed our value on our house… So I had to buy the toddler play gym to get it back over $50,000…


Still as handsome as ever!

And then it was Adalind’s birthday too!

Aaaaaand we’re sad because of the broken doll house.

Also, she never got to use that toddler playgym… What a waste of money…


4 thoughts on “Chapter 4.7 – We Did Stuff

  1. Adalind is growing up so cute! I think I see a lot of Malik in her ;D also, I really love your house! You always surprise me with your builds


    • I Love Adalind! I wouldnt be mad if she had a lot of Malik in her, he’s handsome!

      Hahaha! I surprise myself with my builds! I normally suck at building, so i get floorplans off the internet to help me out


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